VMware Cracks 😉
Anbei ein paar (hoffentlich) interessante Informationen – kurz und kompakt 🙂 …. Attached some (hopefully) interesting information – short and compact
PS: Interessanter Input immer sehr gerne willkommen – Interesting Input very welcome as always
Thanks to my contributors : Patrick Weigl, Michael Rebmann
Please share 😉
Worth to notice
- Bitfusion by VMware for AI/ML applications, GPU virtualization technology -> https://bitfusion.io/product/flexdirect/ and https://bitfusion.io/resources/
- AVI Networks now part of VMware https://avinetworks.com/
- Loadbalancing : Load Balancing Definition: Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. This ensures no single server bears too much demand. By spreading the work evenly, load balancing improves application responsiveness. It also increases availability of applications and websites for users. Modern applications cannot run without load balancers. Over time, software load balancers have added additional capabilities including security and application -> https://avinetworks.com/what-is-load-balancing/
- Web Application Firewall (WAF) : A web application firewall (WAF) provides web security for online services from malicious security attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS). WAFs detect and filter out threats which could degrade, compromise, or expose online applications to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. WAFs examine HTTP traffic before it reaches the application server. They also protect against unauthorized transfer of data from the server -> https://avinetworks.com/what-is-a-web-application-firewall/
- Service Mesh: A service mesh is a new paradigm that provides containers and microservices-based applications with services that integrated directly from within the compute cluster. A service mesh provides monitoring, scalability, and high availability services for modern applications through APIs instead of using discrete appliances -> https://avinetworks.com/what-are-microservices-and-containers/
- Intent-based networking: Intent-based networking is the evolution of modern, intelligent networking. It simplifies operations, improves agility and fortifies security with advanced automation. An intent-based networking system lets administrators and line of business owners decide the desired outcomes of network orchestration, then automates provisioning, configuration of servers, and full lifecycle management of the application services. The high-level plans and policies of a business (often specified in a declarative model) are automatically implemented and enforced, often with the help of machine learning, and artificial intelligence -> https://avinetworks.com/what-is-intent-based-networking/
- Cloudhealth by VMware : Multicloud management – https://www.cloudhealthtech.com
- Cloud visibility – Make informed business decisions in the cloud based on the data you trust and care about ->https://www.cloudhealthtech.com/solutions/gain-cloud-visibility?ref=home
- Cloud Security – Real-time insights for proactively managing security and compliance risk. ->https://www.cloudhealthtech.com/solutions/identify-cloud-risks
- Cost Management – Simplify budget tracking and spending analysis to reduce waste and lower overall costs in the cloud -> https://www.cloudhealthtech.com/solutions/improve-cloud-cost-management
- Governance – Gain consistency and control over your cloud environment by automating governance policies and increasing accountability -> https://www.cloudhealthtech.com/solutions/centralize-cloud-governance
- Integrating FSLogix Profile Containers with the VMware Horizon Just-in-Time Management Platform (JMP) ->https://techzone.vmware.com/resource/integrating-fslogix-profile-containers-vmware-horizon-just-time-management-platform-jmp
Knowledge & Education
- n/a
Network & Security
- Service Mesh -> NSX How Istio and NSX work together https://blogs.vmware.com/networkvirtualization/2019/04/how-istio-nsx-service-mesh-and-nsx-data-center-fit-together.html/
- Appdefence Whitepaper ->> https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/products/vmw-appdefense-overview-whitepaper.pdf and https://www.vmware.com/products/appdefense.html
Carbon Black by VMware -> Intrinsic security -> https://www.carbonblack.com/
Cloud Native – Container & Co
- Enterprise PKS 1.6 is here https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudnative/2019/11/14/vmware-enterprise-pks-1-6-enhances-management-for-running-production-kubernetes-workloads/?src=so_5a314d05d9484&cid=70134000001SkJT&sfns=mo
- TANZU Mission Control -> Manage Kubernetes everywhere ->> https://cormachogan.com/2019/12/02/tanzu-mission-control-vmworld-2019-updates/
- Project Pacific – Kubernetes natively build into vSphere ->> https://cormachogan.com/2019/11/22/project-pacific-vmworld-2019-deep-dive-updates/
- Kubernetes : One cluster or many ? ->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1ORgUtOeis&feature=youtu.be
SDDC Components
- VMware Cloud Foundation 3.9 released ->> https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Cloud-Foundation/3.9/rn/VMware-Cloud-Foundation-39-Release-Notes.html
- VMware Cloud on AWS Network (Whitepaper) https://www.vmware.com/learn/330206_REG.html?cid=7012H0000021NU4&src=
- Multicloud with VMware HCX Enterprise – moving/stretching workloads on-premis to the cloud and backwards ->> https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/infrastructure-hybridity-and-migration-to-cloud-with-vmware-hcx-enterprise-how-does-it-work
- Next gen virtualization for dummies 😊 https://www.vmware.com/learn/50872_REG.html?touch=1&src=so_5939d66a3850e&cid=70134000001CW3e
- VMware Stack in Mega clouds
- Microsoft Azure VMware Solutions ->> https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/overview/azure-vmware/
- VMware Cloud on AWS ->> https://cloud.vmware.com/vmc-aws
- VMware in Google Cloud ->> https://cloud.google.com/vmware/
- IBM Cloud ->> https://www.ibm.com/cloud/vmware?mhsrc=ibmsearch_p&mhq=vmware
- Oracle Cloud ->> https://www.oracle.com/cloud/vmware/
- Christmas and new year 😉
Cheers 🙂
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